First published on 12/31/2010, and last updated on 07/19/2022
The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA), Fourteenth Meeting. Please see, from the document linked above, the sections highlighted in yellow that address the roles and participation of Indigenous people, especially page 7:
(b) Recognize the role of indigenous and local community conserved areas and conserved areas of other stakeholders in biodiversity conservation, collaborative management and diversification of governance types;
(c) Recalling paragraph 6 of decision IX/18 A, develop appropriate mechanisms for the recognition and support of indigenous and community conserved areas (ICCAs), inter alia, through formal acknowledgement, inclusion in listings or databases, legal recognition of community rights to land and/or resources, as appropriate, or incorporation of ICCAs into official protected area systems, with the approval and involvement of indigenous and local communities in accordance with national laws and applicable international obligations. Such mechanisms for recognition should respect the customary governance systems that have maintained ICCAs over time;
(d) Establish clear mechanisms and processes for equitable cost and benefit-sharing and for full and effective participation of indigenous and local communities, related to protected areas, in accordance with national laws and applicable international obligations.