Categories Alert

The ICCA Alert System

First published on 07/16/2011, and last updated on 10/30/2018

Through an ICCA Alert, the Consortium calls attention to and supports the struggle of indigenous peoples and local communities who are actively defending their threatened commons and ICCAs. ​The ICCA alerts issued to date are described below, sometimes with a note about their results.

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How does it work?

The idea and need for establishing an ICCA alert system emerged with force in October 2010 at a gathering of the ICCA Consortium in Shirakawa, Japan, following the CBD COP-10. Prior experiences with TILCEPA alerts in the early 2000s added weight to this initiative. Since 2011, ICCA alerts have been launched by the Consortium in many countries, in support of urgent struggles of indigenous peoples and local communities against various forms of land grabbing and other threats to land, natural resources, and traditional livelihoods.

Depending on the context of each threat, different responses can be engaged to help communities bring their voices and grievances to the national and international levels, and to exert pressure on decision-makers and companies.
The Consortium Secretariat collaborates closely with the Alert proponents/initiator(s) to develop and facilitate such responses following the ICCA Alert Policy available here.

El sistema de alertas para los TICCA se puede descargar en español aqui.