First published on 06/30/2012, and last updated on 02/20/2016
ICCA related outcomes at Rio+20
The ICCA Consortium AT RIO+ 20: ‘time to learn… time to think strategy’ – The ICCA Consortium was present at Rio +20 with a number of events in the official space and as part of the People’s Summit. The report includes some ideas about strategic directions for work to come, as well as declarations, description of events.
What is the Green Economy? – Video of Dr. Taghi Farvar, Consortium President at Rio+20 sharing his insights on the corporate Green Economy. “The ‘Green Economy’ is a misnomer – it is a code word for Green Capitalism and these market mechanisms are a total humbug. Why? The Earth, and all of its ecosystems who has conserved them until this time? It’s not governments, or the World Bank…it is local communities, it is traditional communities and it is especially Indigenous Peoples who have conserved them “

Kari-Oca 2 Declaration
Kari-Oca 2 Declaration – Signed and approved on June 18, 2012 at the Indigenous Peoples Global Conference on Rio+20 and Mother Earth, a gathering during the days leading up to the Rio+20 Earth Summit. For the Declaration in Spanish, English and Portugese, click here.
Press Release from Forest Peoples Programme – Indigenous Peoples demand rights-based approaches and respect for traditional knowledge and practices in the Outcomes of Rio+20, click here.
Comunicado de prensa: Los pueblos indígenas exigen enfoques basados en los derechos y el respeto del conocimiento y las prácticas tradicionales en los resultados de la Conferencia de Río más 20, clic aqui.
Rio+20 Summit will not get us out of Environmental Crisis, says Nigerian Activist Nnimmo Bassey. “The leaders came to Rio with, clearly, very low ambitions, and probably with the desire to block agreements on any issue that would not be of particular benefit to them or their countries,” Nnimmo Bassey says, executive director of Environmental Rights Action in Nigeria and Chair of Friends of the Earth International. To watch an interview with Bassey (40 mins), click here.