First published on 12/17/2016, and last updated on 07/19/2022
COP 13 was held in Cancun, Mexico, from 4-17 December 2016. The official theme was “Mainstreaming biodiversity for well-being” and State Parties adopted a number of decisions on a range of issues relevant to ICCAs, including the following items.
- Progress in implementation (Agenda Item 9) and strategic actions to enhance implementation (Agenda Item 10) of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets;
- Biodiversity and climate change, ecosystem restoration, and forest biodiversity (Agenda Item 10);
- Resource mobilisation and the financial mechanism for the Convention (Agenda Item 11);
- Article 8(j) and related provisions (Agenda Item 14);
- Marine and coastal biodiversity (Agenda Item 15);
- Sustainable wildlife management (Agenda Item 17); and
- Guidelines for national reports and indicators for the Strategic Plan and Aichi Targets (Agenda Item 19).
Please follow this link to read more on ICCAs in Decisions of CBD COP 13
The ICCA Consortium is actively participating at the CBD COP 13 with some 40 delegates from 26 countries.
In preparation for COP13, we produced a joint position paper with the Global Forest Coalition and Community Conservation Resilience Initiative, with detailed recommendations on the draft decisions listed above. The position paper is available in English and Spanish and was sent to all CBD National Focal Points in early October.
We also published the following technical resources:

At COP13, our members are actively participating in the COP negotiations; attending strategy meetings of the CBD Alliance, International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity and Women’s Caucus; organising side events and press conferences; and speaking at Rio Pavilion events. You can follow us on Facebook.
Please follow the links below for information on:
- COP13 meeting documents
- Side-events hosted by the Consortium and its members and partners
- The overall list of events held by the Consortium before, during, and after COP 13
- The ICCA Consortium Xth General Assembly, which will directly follow CBD COP 13 from 18-19 December
A participants’ report will be posted online in early 2017.