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The Archipelago of Hope

First published on 11/21/2017, and last updated on 01/08/2018

“The Archipelago of Hope: Wisdom and Resilience from the Edge of Climate Change”, written by the ICCA Consortium Honorary Member Gleb Raygorodetsky, is an enlightening global journey reveals the inextricable links between Indigenous cultures and their lands as a foundation for climate change resilience around the world.

Indigenous territories are islands of biological and cultural diversity in the ever-rising sea of development and urbanization.  As we enter the Anthropocene, they are our “archipelago of hope”, for here lies humankind’s best chance to remember or to learn how to take care of the Earth. Here, the Indigenous peoples are implementing creative solutions to meet these modern challenges. Solutions that are relevant to the rest of us.

On the pages of The Archipelago, the readers meet Skolt Sami of Finland, the Nenets and Altai of Russia, the Sapara of Ecuador, the Karen of Myanmar, and the Tla-o-qui-aht of Canada. Intimate portraits of these men and women, youth and elders, emerge against the backdrop of their traditional practices on land and water. Though there are brutal realties of pollution, corruption, forced assimilation—Raygorodetsky’s prose resonates with the positive, the adaptive, the spiritual—and hope.

All proceeds from the sale of The Archipelago of Hope will go toward  “The Archipelago of Hope Indigenous Resilience Fund,” established through Land is Life (, which will support the communities profiled in the book.

The book can be purchased HERE.