Categories Convention on Biological Biodiversity, Updates

ICCA Consortium at CBD Regional Workshop and Training Session on EBSAs in the Baltic Sea

First published on 03/20/2018, and last updated on 09/16/2020

The Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) held a regional workshop from February 20-24th, 2018 with Tero Mustonen of Snowchange and ICCA Consortium Member in attendance to facilitate the description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) in the Baltic Sea. During this session the indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) and ICCAs were largely discussed. It was also decided that there will be an Annex to the CBD on the needs and situation of ILK in the Baltic, with the following sub headings:

  • The Baltic Sea, Home to a Range of ILK Communities, Historically and Today.
  • Regional Small-Scale Fishers and Seal Hunters Renew Cultural Heritage and Knowledge
  • ILK as a Proven Early-Warning System of Ecosystem Change
  • The Urgent Need for an Atlas of ILK to Address Gaps in the Baltic Sea Area

Additionally, a training session on EBSAs took place on February 19th in Helsinki, Finland, during which participants identified further need of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC), ICCAs and ILK engagement. Ms. Corinne Martin, from World Conservation Monitoring Centre was present, to support and participate in the ICCA specific issues throughout the week.

For future initiatives, the coastal areas of the Baltic, Indigenous Russian sites, Finnish local traditional and southern Swedish small scale fishing sites were identified as being in urgent need of mapping and ILK studies.

Throughout the course of the workshop,  the presence of the ICCA Consortium in the Baltic Region was highlighted, as was the participation of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helcom) and other scientific organizations. Helcom is especifically important, as its presence has been lacking in many realms related to ILK and coastal environments.

The notification, including background for the meeting can be found HERE.

For more information, please contact Tero Mustonen.