First published on 04/16/2018, and last updated on 06/12/2018
A delegation of 20 members of the ICCA Consortium was in New York from the 14th to the 23rd of April to participate in the 17th session of the United Nation Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.
Please find the Agenda of the ICCA Consortium at the UNPFII and related events!
Find here the Plenary Statement of Giovanni Reyes, on behalf of the ICCA Consortium, on UNPFII Agenda Item 8: “Indigenous Peoples’ Collective Rights to lands, territories and natural resources”. – Written version
Find here the Statement of the ICCA Consortium to the 17th Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, on item 12: “Indigenous Peoples and Conservation”. – Written version.
VERSION ESPAÑOL: Declaración del Consorcio TICCA en la 17ª Sesión del Foro Permanente de Naciones Unidas sobre Cuestiones Indígenas, en el Punto 12 de la Agenda : “leer la Declaración sobre el punto 12”
Two powerful statements in support of indigenous peoples’ collective rights and their role in conservation were made in the larger assembly, and our side-event on resistance to destructive development in ICCAs filled the room.
Aquí se puede ver una parte del evento paralelo (en español):
More information and reports are coming soon!