First published on 03/06/2020, and last updated on 09/17/2020
Inclusive Development, An Imperative for the Future; building broader partnerships for better informed decisions. By Plateau Perspectives, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 2020.
Inclusive approaches are an imperative for sustainability
There is ample evidence that more inclusive approaches in conservation and sustainable development lead to greater success, both in human and in environmental terms. In short, better informed decision-making based on critical inputs and direction provided by all key rights holders — that is, making decisions based on relevant knowledge, whether this be ecological, economic, sociocultural, or political — is essential to achieve lasting, substantive, and equitable transformations.
Five different ways that appropriate and genuine partnerships can be built, broaden and strengthened are offered in this article, including proven perspectives, approaches, and technologies and tools. In different ways, each of these can help, and provide hope that greater inclusivity may be achieved.
Read the article and enjoy its wonderful design on the website of Plateau Perspectives.

Kham Tibetan Horseman at festival © Foggin 2020
Featured image: Village meeting about local agriculture, poverty alleviation and the management of a recently established community cooperative in the Shigatse area, Tibet Autonomous Region, China © Gongbo Tashi.