First published on 04/01/2020, and last updated on 07/08/2020
Rising temperatures, unpredictable weather and shifting climate patterns, coupled with a global insatiable land rush, are increasingly straining the lands Indigenous Peoples have traditionally been caring for and defending. Throughout 2019, Indigenous Peoples also continued to be persecuted, threatened, criminalised and killed in their efforts to defend their rights.
The 66 regional and country reports and 17 reports on international processes and initiatives covered in this edition underscore these trends.
The book is the result of a collaborative effort between Indigenous and non-indigenous activists and scholars who voluntarily share their valuable insights and analysis. In this 34th edition of The Indigenous World, 114 authors examine the main events that impacted the lives of Indigenous communities in 2019.
For 34 consecutive years IWGIA has published The Indigenous World in collaboration with this community of authors. This yearly overview serves to document and report on the developments Indigenous Peoples have experienced throughout 2019, making the book a go-to reference for anyone who wishes to be updated on the rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Indigenous World 2020 adds not only documentation, but also includes a special focus on climate change.
The Indigenous World is a one-of-a-kind documentation tool that offers a comprehensive yearly overview of the developments Indigenous Peoples experience around the world. The book also serves as inspiration to raise global awareness of the rights of Indigenous Peoples, their struggles, their worldviews and their resilience.
Download ‘The Indigenous World 2020’ here.