Categories Blog, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Events, Events organised or co-organised by the consortium, Guatemala, Latin America, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama

The beating heart of ICCAs in Central America

First published on 05/10/2013, and last updated on 03/10/2018

By: Bas Verschuuren (Honorary Member) and Felipe Gomez, Oxlajuj Ajpop (Member)

From the 17th till the 27th of March participants from various Mesoamerican countries and beyond shared knowledge and experiences in two exciting meetings.

The first focused on the role of cultural, spiritual and sacred values in sustainable forest management. The meeting, organized by Oxlajuj Ajpop, SNSI and supported by Natural Justice served to capacitate participants from three indigenous communities on the development of Biocultural Community Protocols as a tool to help protect their sacred natural sites and forests. The second was the first regional meeting of the ICCA Consortium and was co-organized by Oxlajuj Ajpop, Ut’z Che, GDF and SNSI. A range of presentations on indigenous and community conserved areas from the region showed a richness of experiences in traditional, use and conservation and governance of ecosystems…

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