Categories Events, Events organised or co-organised by the consortium, General Assemblies, International events, World

XVth General Assembly – Rajasthan, India

First published on 12/18/2019, and last updated on 04/06/2020

From 2-3 December, 2019, 80 representatives of Members of the ICCA Consortium, Honorary members, members of Council and Council of Elders, Secretariat and Partners from more than 30 countries participated in our XVth General Assembly in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

This General Assembly was historical as it marked a major leadership transition for our movement. Having served three times three years each – the maximum foreseen in our Operational Guidelines – Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend participated in a GA for the last time as Global Coordinator. To take on her role as Secretary of Council, the General Assembly elected Aili Pyhälä—well known to all as Chair of the past Membership Committee. As of 2020, Grazia’s role in the Secretariat will be taken on by Holly Jonas as new Global Coordinator. Holly was unanimously selected in an open recruitment by the Search Committee of Council and acclaimed by the Consortium Members in Udaipur, who know her well as past International Policy Coordinator. Finally, the technical support to Secretariat and Members will be provided by Thomas Niederberger and Ameyali Ramos, also selected in an open recruitment by the Search Committee of Council. Just before the General Assembly, Grazia was appointed by Council as member of the Council of Elders. Another founder of the Consortium who served three times three years as member of Council is Jorge Nahuel, who was also nominated by Council as member of the Council of Elders. The Executive Committee of Council now sees Colin Scott as new elected Treasurer, Mihanta Tsiorisoa Bakoliarimisa as new Chair of the Policy and Programme Committee, and Aman Singh as new Chair of the Membership Committee.  Five new members of Council were also elected with regional or thematic responsibilities (See below).

The General Assembly was preceded by the South Asia Regional Assembly, a meeting of Council and a field visit to local ICCAs and followed by several planning and capacity building events, a Round Table with Partners and Friends of the ICCA Consortium and meetings of the Council and Secretariat

Teddy Baguilat, ICCA Consortium President, provides, in a video message, a short summary of the outcomes of the Assembly, and the important moments to come next year.


The full minutes of the General Assembly are available here

The short minutes of the General Assembly are available here (the scan of the original version is available upon request).

The ICCA Consortium 2019 Work Report was offered by Grazia Borrini Feyerabend, Global Coordinator,

The ICCA Consortium 2019 Treasurer’s Report was offered by Vololoniaina Rasoarimanana, Treasurer.

The ICCA Consortium 2019 Fundraising Report was offered by Sarah Ryder.

The ICCA Consortium 2020 Work Plan (draft) was offered by Holly Jonas, the forthcoming Global Coordinator.

The ICCA Consortium 2019 Membership Report was offered by Aili Pyhälä, Chair of the Membership Committee of Council. (Powerpoint version)

The ICCA Consortium 2019 Communication Report was offered by Emma Courtine, Programme and Communication Officer.

The ICCA Consortium 2019 Regionalisation Process Report was offered by the Regionalisation Committtee.

The ICCA Consortium 2019 Gender Policy Report was offered by the Committee working on on Gender.

An interactive presentation on Self-strengthening processes for territories of life was offered by Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend

The presentation on the work on the theme Defending ICCAs–territories of life is available here.

The presentation on the work on the theme Documenting ICCAs–territories of life is available here.


The full list of participants is available here. (Please ask Gaëlle, if you wish to receive the list including email contacts)

You can find the the overall agenda of these events here.

The agenda of the General Assembly is available here.

New Council Members

During this GA, 9 new Members of the Council have been elected:

The Council Members present at the GA © E. Fanari

Pictures : © A.Scherer, C.Chatelain, T. Baguilat and E.Courtine.