First published on 06/08/2017, and last updated on 01/09/2018
Issyk-Kul Lake, Kyrgyzstan – The Issyk Kul event on June 11-16th, organized by the UNDP GEF SGP in Kyrgyzstan, the ICCA Consortium and CENESTA (Iran), was designed to share knowledge and enhance capacities among key regional actors about how to promote and strengthen appropriate recognition of ICCAs and appropriate support to them to enhance their effectiveness in the region—within but also outside the framework of the GSI initiative.
Participants included teams from four GSI supported countries (Georgia, Iran, Kyrgyzstan and Jordan) composed of representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities who govern and manage their ICCAs, relevant government agencies, supporting civil society organisations and national GEF SGP co-ordinators. A few participants from other countries where ICCA support may be effectively “seeded” also attended.
The event consisted of team presentations from various countries, group work sessions on current issues and field visits to two ICCAs in the region. Presentations dealt with history, culture and conservation, developing a collective understanding of the ICCA concept and practice in the region and threats & opportunities for ICCAs in the region. National action plans for future ICCA learning & action in Central and West Asia were drafted.
The overall report will be available soon from this page!