Red de Áreas Marinas de Pesca Responsable y Territorios Marinos de Vida |
Red Nacional de Áreas Marinas de Pesca Responsable y Territorios Marinos de Vida |

Costa Rica
Video: In Costa Rica, the Cahuita people want shared governance in the national park to continue
Government agencies in Costa Rica have announced a plan that will undermine the shared governance model in the Cahuita National Park. Read more ▸
2nd National Congress of Small-Scale Artisanal Fishers and Mollusk Gatherers of Costa Rica
The 2nd National Congress of Small-Scale Artisanal Fishers and Mollusk Gatherers of Costa Rica was held on November 8, 9 and 10, 2021. Read more ▸
Celebrating Indigenous and Community Contributions to World Oceans Day
ICCA Consortium Members and Honorary members elevated the voices of Indigenous peoples and local communities in events on small-scale fisheries and ocean governance. Read more ▸
Are small-scale fishers in or out of the blue economy?
‘Blue justice’ represents a growing global movement calling for greater social justice for small-scale fisheries. Read more ▸
Eight Shells
The voices of the women of the sea from communities of Barbados, St Kitts, Grenada, Belize and Costa Rica were heard loud and clear at a learning exchange aimed at strengthening the capacities of fisherwomen in the backdrop of the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines. Read more ▸
A Fight to Put Artisanal Fishers on the Map in Costa Rica
Nestled between Tortuguero National Park and the Nicaragua border, the community of Barra del Colorado havs been quietly making a living out of shrimp fishing for generations. A letter sent to the government in August 2015 marked the beginning of a fight for the licence to fish, which continues today. Read more ▸
Costa Rica firma Mecanismo General de Consulta a Pueblos Indígenas
Interesante proceso en Costa Rica: el país cuenta con un Mecanismo General de Consulta a Pueblos Indígenas, desarrollado bajo el estándar de “consulta sobre la consulta”, originado en recomendaciones de la Relatoría Especial sobre Pueblos Indígenas de la Organización Naciones Unidas. Read more ▸
Fisherwomen learning exchange gathering in Costa Rica
Women play a crucial role in small scale fishing in oceans, rivers and mangroves. In November 2017, fisherwomen from different parts of Costa Rica shared their knowledge and experiences of good practices in sustainable fishing and on related subjects such as land tenure, climate change, invasive species, culture, decent work and health, among others. Read more ▸
Pura Pesca – nuevo documental en Costa Rica
Por: Association Terres de Cultures, Miembro del Consorcio TICCA y CoopeSoliDar R.L Pura Pesca es un documental de la asociación francesa Terres de Cultures… Read more “Pura Pesca – nuevo documental en Costa Rica” ▸
Costa Rica reconoce los cuatro modelos de gobernanza de áreas protegidas– un paso fundamental para la conservación y el respeto de los derechos humanos!
Por: Vivienne Solís Rivera, CoopeSoliDar R.L y miembro del Comité Director del Consorcio TICCA y Marvin Fonseca Borrás, CoopeSoliDar R.L Costa Rica es un… Read more “Costa Rica reconoce los cuatro modelos de gobernanza de áreas protegidas– un paso fundamental para la conservación y el respeto de los derechos humanos!” ▸
Modelo de gobernanza marina comunitaria permite beneficios locales a comunidad de pescadores en Costa Rica
Por: Vivienne Solis Rivera, Coope SoliDar R.L (Member) Por primera vez en 20 años, los pescadores de pequeña escala de Tárcoles, Costa Rica han… Read more “Modelo de gobernanza marina comunitaria permite beneficios locales a comunidad de pescadores en Costa Rica” ▸
Sobre los avances de la gobernanza marina comunitaria en Costa Rica: Pescadores artesanales evalúan los avances en conservación marina y buen vivir
Por Vivienne Solis Riviera (miembro Honorario) CoopeSoliDar R.L y la Red de Áreas Marinas de Pesca Responsable de Costa Rica, publican el resultado de… Read more “Sobre los avances de la gobernanza marina comunitaria en Costa Rica: Pescadores artesanales evalúan los avances en conservación marina y buen vivir” ▸
The beating heart of ICCAs in Central America
By: Bas Verschuuren (Honorary Member) and Felipe Gomez, Oxlajuj Ajpop (Member) From the 17th till the 27th of March participants from various Mesoamerican countries… Read more “The beating heart of ICCAs in Central America” ▸
Regional Study on Social Dimensions of MPA Practice in Central America
Regional Study on Social Dimensions of MPA Practice in Central America: Case Studies from Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica & Panama, Vivienne Solís Rivera et… Read more “Regional Study on Social Dimensions of MPA Practice in Central America” ▸
Costa Rica
CBD Recognition Guidelines Series No. 64 “Recognising and Supporting ICCAs: Global overview and national case studies”: Costa Rica case study.
Tarcoles: the rhythm of the sea
‘Tárcoles: al ritmo del mar’ (Tarcoles: the rhythm of the sea): This visually stunning video tells the story of the Tarcoles community who have… Read more “Tarcoles: the rhythm of the sea” ▸