Key resources related to ICCA

ICCA Consortium Policy Brief no 6 – Nourishing Life -Territories of Life & Food Sovereignty

The ICCA Consortium is delighted to release its new Policy Brief, which highlights and documents the profound significance of ICCAs—territories of life- and their contributions to the food sovereignty of the peoples and the communities themselves. This is a call for movements that foster food sovereignty and movements strengthening territories of life to exchange knowledge and support each other!  Read more ▸

ICCA Consortium Policy Brief no 5

The term ‘inclusive conservation’ has recently been adopted by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in its 2018-2020 programme for biodiversity financing. In this context, the ICCA Consortium proposes a definition of ‘inclusive conservation’ and specific recommendations for legislators, policy makers and other conservation actors willing to pursue it. Read more ▸

Special Issue of PARKS on OECMs

The IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas has just released a special issue of its peer-reviewed journal PARKS: The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation, focusing on Other-Effective Conservation Measures (OECMs). Read more ▸

Herramientas de Monitoreo Ambiental para los TICCA

En una perspectiva estratégica de acción para contribuir al autoconocimiento que coadyuve el fortalecimiento, la restauración y la protección en los TICCA de Bolivia, se orientó al desarrollo de herramientas de gestión que permitan el monitoreo por parte de los mismos pueblos locales, de las funciones y servicios ecosistémicos, que conduzcan a la auto-observación y auto-reflexión, en el propósito de fortalecer sus búsquedas y caminos hacia el buen vivir, haciendo frente a las presiones del desarrollo extractivista. Read more ▸

An Introduction to Integrating African Indigenous & Traditional Knowledge in National Adaptation Plans, Programmes of Action, Platforms and Policies

Report: “An Introduction to Integrating African Indigenous & Traditional Knowledge in National Adaptation Plans, Programmes of Action, Platforms and Policies” Nigel Crawhall, IPACC (2016)…  Read more “An Introduction to Integrating African Indigenous & Traditional Knowledge in National Adaptation Plans, Programmes of Action, Platforms and Policies”