NADA – Nsombou Abalghe-Dzal Association |
ACDD – Action Pour le Développement Durable |
ASAPAC/BF – Association des Aires et territoires du patrimoine Autochtone et Communautaire |
Successful locally-led fisheries governance in Tanzania: Communities meet to share lessons learned
Mwambao Coastal Community Network (ICCA Consortium Member) reports from the last annual network meeting and share lessons learned about community-led coastal and marine governance in Zanzibar islands and north-eastern Tanzania. Read more ▸
Tanzania: ICCA Consortium Members aim for better recognition and protection of territories of life
During the last national assembly, ICCA Consortium Members in Tanzania discussed effective advocacy strategies to fulfill the central needs to sustain the territories of life. Read more ▸
Voices from custodians of territories of life on the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
Six key foundations for sustaining territories of life from deep reflection amongst ICCA Consortium Members in Africa, Asia, and Latin America on the post-2020 framework. Read more ▸
Alert: Indigenous and human rights defenders in Tanzania stand strong against threat of evictions in Ngorongoro
The Maasai community of Ngorongoro are living in fear of dispossession from their ancestral lands and territories, loss of livelihood and security of their defenders. A group of human rights defenders, including some ICCA Consortium Members, issued a statement to condemn any possible evictions and other violations of human rights in Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Read more ▸
The last stand? Community in Gabon calls on government to halt logging of their sacred forest, a unique and historic initiative
In northeast Gabon, the Kota community of Massaha has sustained their customary lands and sacred forest for generations. They are now seeking formal government recognition and protection against the imminent threat of logging. Read more ▸
Alert: Massaha community in Gabon calls for the protection of their sacred forest against the immediate threat of logging
The community has been protecting and nurturing their sacred forest for generations but it is now at risk of destruction, despite the Gabonese government’s commitment to the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People. The ICCA Consortium stands in solidarity with the community of Massaha as they call on their government to halt the logging and legally recognize it under existing legislation. Read more ▸
The Bagungu People: Custodians of life in Uganda
As part of the African Earth Jurisprudence Collective’s ‘Decolonising stories’ animation series, Earth Jurisprudence Practitioner Dennis Tabaro describes how the Indigenous Bagungu People in Buliisa, Uganda, are restoring their sacred natural sites, respect for elders and clan governance systems in the shadow of oil extraction. Read more ▸
Decolonizing stories from Uganda, Kenya and Zimbabwe
New animations explore the revival of land, water, seed and Earth-centered cultures by Indigenous and traditional communities in Uganda, Zimbabwe and Kenya. Read more ▸
Protecting African land and environmental defenders: Recap from Africa Land Forum 2021
Three key themes emerged from this session co-organised by ICCA Consortium Member Natural Justice during the International Land Coalition’s Africa Land Forum 2021. Read more ▸
ICCAs – territories of life organize first national assembly in Senegal
Two years after its creation, ANAPAC SENEGAL has brought together ICCA stakeholders of Senegal and some countries of the West African sub-region to discuss what has been done to date and define new directions. Read more ▸
Alert: Ekuri community confronts illegal logging in their customary forest in Nigeria
The New and Old Ekuri community of the Cross River state in Nigeria are resisting the illegal logging of their forest to pave way for a proposed highway. The ICCA Consortium stands with the Ekuri community and calls for the immediate end of the illegal logging and violation of the community’s rights, including free, prior and informed consent, and continuous undermining of their longstanding efforts to conserve their forest. Read more ▸
Communities strengthen self-determination in Madagascar
National networks TAFO MIHAAVO and FANONGA FOKONOLONA use strategic planning process to support community self-empowerment and sovereignty. Read more ▸