Indigenous Baram communities celebrate timber company’s withdrawal from their lands
Indigenous communities in Sarawak win a landmark victory as the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) and international timber certifier visit Sarawak to inspect timber operations. Read more ▸
Ha’alupan Bai: Locally Managed Marine Areas of the Suluk People
By Neville Yapp with Land Empowerment Animals People, Persatuan Komuniti Kampung Mumiang and Forever Sabah Note: This article is from the recently published report… Read more “Ha’alupan Bai: Locally Managed Marine Areas of the Suluk People” ▸
Here’s how you can support Sarawakian Indigenous organization SAVE Rivers against a ‘SLAPP’ defamation case
One of the leading Sarawakian Indigenous organizations, SAVE Rivers, and its leaders face a meritless defamation lawsuit in Malaysian court filed by logging company Samling designed to bankrupt and silence them. Read more ▸
Neighbors join forces to defend their territories of life in Malaysia
The Penan and the Kenyah Indigenous Peoples in Northern Sarawak, the Malaysian state of Borneo, work together on sustaining and nurturing their territories of life. Read more ▸
New report on territories of life in Southeast Asia out now
The publication “Celebrating Territories of Life in Southeast Asia” by the ICCA Consortium features stories of Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ territories of life. It highlights the region’s traditional knowledge and governance systems and sustainable livelihood practices. Read more ▸
Mangrove, moon, and the tides: the story of progress in the Mumiang Locally Managed Marine Area of the Suluk People
By Neville Yapp with LEAP – Land Empowerment Animals People (ICCA Consortium Member),Persatuan Komuniti Kampung Mumiang, andForever Sabah In the mangroves of the Kinabatangan estuary, fluorescent… Read more “Mangrove, moon, and the tides: the story of progress in the Mumiang Locally Managed Marine Area of the Suluk People” ▸
NGOs demand Malaysian Timber Certification Council acknowledge certification scheme’s shortcomings and take action
In conjunction with the Malaysian Timber Certification Council’s (MTCC) participation at the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) International’s members’ meeting in Dublin, civil society organizations argue that MTCC cannot uphold timber certification standards. Read more ▸
#StopTheSlapp: The ICCA Consortium joins call to drop defamation suit against SAVE Rivers
We stand with over 100 organizations in condemning Samling’s bullying of Indigenous environmental and human rights defenders in Sarawak. Read more ▸
New legal analysis on ICCAs in Malaysia
Comprehensive analysis assesses the impacts of laws, policies and institutional frameworks on territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities in Malaysia. Read more ▸
Breaking the Heart of Borneo: New FPP report raises alarm
In Indonesia and Malaysia, the states are using the COVID-19 pandemic to justify deforestation and deregulations weakening protections for Indigenous peoples’ forests and territories. Read more ▸
PACOS Response to COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia
In Malaysia, Consortium Member PACOS Trust is supporting isolated Indigenous communities as they face the COVID-19 crisis. Anne Lasimbang tells us which strategies they have employed to date, and how they plan to move forward during the recovery phase. Read more ▸
Virtual Is the New Normal as ICCA Southeast Asia Holds 2nd Regional Assembly
Members, Honorary members, and partners from across Southeast Asia took to cyberspace for the 2nd Southeast Asia Regional Assembly from 1-4 June 2020. The regional council members and regional representation in the ICCA Consortium’s global Council were designated and the route forward for the region was collectively decided. Read more ▸
Second South East Asia Regional Assembly from 1-4 June
The gathering provides an online venue for sharing and learning from each other about the territories of life in the region. This year’s gathering has the further aim of continuing the ICCA Consortium’s regionalisation process in Southeast Asia. Check the programme! Read more ▸
Sarawak Activist who Stopped Destructive Mega-dams Wins 2019 Seacology Prize
Peter Kallang, a member of Sarawak’s indigenous Kenyah community and Chairman of Save Rivers, ICCA Consortium Member, has been awarded the international Seacology Prize for leading a successful campaign to halt the building of a series of mega-dams on Borneo! Read more ▸
Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities from the Heart of Borneo Gather in Kalimantan to Strengthen Indigenous Peoples’ Rights
In July 2019, indigenous peoples and local communities met in West Kalimantan to discuss opportunities and challenges for the strengthening of their human rights within the Heart of Borneo Initiative, through new forestry schemes, advocacy, and international conventions. Read more ▸
Mega Dams: Glorifying Bakun to Promote Papar
In Malaysia, despite long- standing problems and complaints of the indigenous peoples affected by Bakun Dam, and without the free, prior, and informed consent of local populations, the government is planning to build another such project: Papar Dam. In this article, ICCA Consortium Member SAVE Rivers reports on the situation. Read more ▸
ICCA-GSI Undertakes Legal and Policy Analyses to Improve Recognition of ICCAs
As part of the ICCA Global Support Initiative, together with the ICCA Consortium and Natural Justice, the UNDP GEF SGP conducted analyses to evaluate the impacts and opportunities of laws, policies and institutional frameworks on ICCAs at the national level in several countries. Read more ▸
National Workshop on ICCAs held in Malaysia
A multi-stakeholder workshop organized by PACOS Trust and SGP-Malaysia called for more support for communities’ self-strengthening efforts, the establishment of a national ICCA working group and the development of a dedicated law on ICCAs—Territories of Life. Read more ▸