
Book: Fifty Indigenous Leaders’ Voices for Nature and People in Indonesia

The Working Group ICCAs Indonesia (WGII), a member of the ICCA Consortium, recently launched the English version of the 2021 book “Suara Masyarakat Adat untuk Alam dan Manusia.” The collection of interviews in the book demonstrates that customary governance systems effectively protect biodiversity and ecosystem functions in Indigenous territories of life. Read more ▸

Defending territories, defending lives

Indigenous Peoples in Southeast Asia navigate their place within the legal frameworks of the nation-states. The extent of their self-determination depends on the strength and resilience of their assertions, and the space nation-states provide for such self-determination to be exercised.  Read more ▸

P. V. Satheesh: a quiet revolutionary walks on

P.V. Satheesh—the quiet revolutionary who helped transform the lives of Dalit women farmers in India—passed away on March 19, 2023. He was 77. The founder of the Deccan Development Society worked for agro-biodiversity, food sovereignty, women’s empowerment, Dalit rights, social justice, and local knowledge systems. Read more ▸

New report on territories of life in Southeast Asia out now

The publication “Celebrating Territories of Life in Southeast Asia” by the ICCA Consortium features stories of Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ territories of life. It highlights the region’s traditional knowledge and governance systems and sustainable livelihood practices. Read more ▸

The South Asia Community Conserved Areas portal is officially launched

There are innumerable examples around the world of community-based conservation initiatives with unique governance and management systems and the use of traditional knowledge. These efforts have gained recognition on the national level and within global environmental policies, but there is still a huge gap that exists in bringing visibility to Community Conserved Areas (CCAs), especially in the context of South Asia. Read more ▸