Europe and Russia

Koitajoki River Documented in a New Seining Film

“Koitajoki”, a documentary film, has been released by Snowchange, Member of ICCA Consortium; the community of Ala-Koita fishermen; PrettyGoodProductions; and the Interreg SHAPE project. It focuses on an iconic, but highly endangered cultural fishery in Karelia: river seining. Read more ▸

Evenki Cultural Atlas Released Online

Snowchange, an ICCA Consortium Member in the Circumpolar North, supported the release of the online Evenki Cultural Atlas. Reindeer herding is more than a way of life for the Evenki of Siberia, it is the root of their culture… Read more ▸

Spotlight on the Gajna Grassland !

The Ganja wetland, is fantastically rich in biodiversity, with over 250 species of plants and 100 different bird species. Although this environment faces challenges, its Council of stakeholders deals effectively with nature conservation as well as socio-economic development. Their experience is one to highlight on World Wetland’s Day (February 2nd)! Read more ▸

25 años de Trashumancia en Madrid

En octubre la Asociación Trashumancia y Naturaleza, junto al Consejo de la Mesta y en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Madrid, España, ha celebrado la Fiesta de la Trashumancia en Madrid para conmemorar el 25 aniversario de la recuperación de esta práctica ganadera Read more ▸

Setting priorities for addressing community historical rights and conserving biodiversity in the Inner Ionian Marine Protected Area, Greece

This article, co-authored by Ted Karfakis, from Terra Sylvestris, a Member of the ICCA Consortium, explores reasons for the environmentally degraded state of the Inner Ionian Marine Protected Area and suggests actions to restore its biodiversity, while providing for the wellbeing of the local communities who advocate for community-based conservation as a philosophical basis. Read more ▸