Europe and Russia

Second ICCA site established in Finland: Linnunsuo

Snowchange has established a second ICCA in Finland. It is a 110-hectare wetland Linnunsuo, located in North Karelia. This action strengthens the capacity of local communities, hunters, bird watchers and other stakeholders to use (I)CCA as a method for conservation of significant sites in Finland. Read more ▸

Deepening voices from Greenland lead to visual stories

Throughout 2017 Snowchange, Greenlandic partners, Skolt Sámi and the Danish NORDECO partnered on a Nordic Council -sponsored project “eXchanging Knowledge”, to find new, direct ways of expressing Indigenous and local-traditional knowledge, as well as support direct exchanges between hunters, fishermen, women, reindeer herders, managers and researchers. Read more ▸

Moratorium in Čearretsuolu

A Moratorium is declared in the area of Čearretsuolu island regarding the new fishing regulations for the Deatnu (Tana/Teno) river, as the new regulations threaten the wellbeing of the Saami from the Deatnu valley. Read more ▸