Jasmín del Coquito |
Comunidad Indígena de Jasmín del Coquito |

Latin America
Boca de Camichin |
Comunidad de Boca de Camichín |
Toledo Alcaldes |
Red de Áreas Marinas de Pesca Responsable y Territorios Marinos de Vida |
Red Nacional de Áreas Marinas de Pesca Responsable y Territorios Marinos de Vida |
Julian Cho Society |
Julian Cho Society |
Indigenous People in Nicaragua face a surge in Gold Rush violence
A report by the Oakland Institute reveals that the cost of gold mining expansion is borne by the Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities in the Caribbean Coast Autonomous Regions, who face incessant violence and colonization of their lands. Read more ▸
Estudios Rurales y Asesoría Campesina, A.C. Mexico Website
Colombian Amazon: Documentary series showcases the work of five Indigenous organizations protecting their territories of life and culture
The five communities include the Inga community of Musuiuiai, the El Itilla reserve, and the Asopamurimajsa, Asatrizy, and Aatiam Indigenous associations. Read more ▸
Assembly of Amazon Node of Red Ticca Colombia (ICCA Colombia Network) held
The Amazon Node Assembly of the Red Ticca Colombia (ICCA Colombia Network) took place in Cota, Cundinamarca, from February 25 through March 1, 2024. Its objectives were to promote exchange among representatives from territories of life in the Colombian Amazon, carry out the annual ordinary assembly of the Amazon Node Network, and offer a communications training workshop to develop a strategy for the Node and the Re:wild project. Read more ▸
Weaving networks as Indigenous women of the sea: everyday political action and resistance from the territorial level
Indigenous women that live in coastal Chile are coming together to defend the sea, protect biodiversity, and exercise their rights. Read more ▸
Complaint by Ecuadorian Indigenous Nation asks British Columbia Securities Commission to Investigate Solaris Resources
Indigenous Organizations Unite Against Controversial Amazon Copper Mining Project Read more ▸
Alert: Support for Daniel Caniullán Huentel and the defenders who are being threatened in Chile’s coastal and marine spaces
We share this alert about the increasing threats against defenders of coastal and marine spaces in Chile and express our solidarity with Daniel Caniullán Huentel, who is continuously facing intimidation. He’s a lonko (leader) of the Pu Wapi Indigenous community of Melinka in Guaitecas (Aysén region). Read more ▸
Javier Ancapan
Regional representative for the Andes and Southern Cone
José María Gualinga
Member of the Council of Elders
During August, Latin American territories of life commemorate Indigenous Peoples’ Month
To commemorate the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People, ICCA Latin America is organizing a communications campaign from August 8 to 31 Read more ▸
World Oceans Day: The voices of guardians of Territories of Life in Mesoamerica
We invite you to celebrate World Oceans Day 2023 with Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and Afrodescendant communities in Mesoamerica, Read more ▸
In Nicaragua, settlers burn Wilú Indigenous community, leaving five dead and two injured
On March 11, 2023, settlers (colonos) massacred at least five Indigenous Mayangna people in the community of Wilú, Mayangna Sauni As territory. Read more ▸
The territories of life in Latin America face significant challenges: Diagnosis of the 3rd Regional Assembly
In the Assembly that took place in Costa Rica, the representatives identified the main threats to the Territories of Life in the region. Likewise, they identified possible solutions and hopes for the future. Read more ▸
Representatives of territories of life from fourteen countries of Latin America met at the 3rd Regional Assembly
The Regional Assembly was held from January 25 to 27, 2023, in Garabito, Costa Rica. Sixty-two representatives met to propose strategies related to the territories of life in the region. Read more ▸