Colombian Amazon: Documentary series showcases the work of five Indigenous organizations protecting their territories of life and culture
The five communities include the Inga community of Musuiuiai, the El Itilla reserve, and the Asopamurimajsa, Asatrizy, and Aatiam Indigenous associations. Read more ▸
Assembly of Amazon Node of Red Ticca Colombia (ICCA Colombia Network) held
The Amazon Node Assembly of the Red Ticca Colombia (ICCA Colombia Network) took place in Cota, Cundinamarca, from February 25 through March 1, 2024. Its objectives were to promote exchange among representatives from territories of life in the Colombian Amazon, carry out the annual ordinary assembly of the Amazon Node Network, and offer a communications training workshop to develop a strategy for the Node and the Re:wild project. Read more ▸
Defining Consent: Indigenous Peoples Reclaiming Decision-Making Authority and Governing Territories Through FPIC Protocols
ICCA Consortium Member Forest Peoples Programme released a new publication with three different case studies that show how Indigenous peoples have developed protocols for decision-making and territorial governance in Latin America (the Wampis, ICCA Consortium Member, the Juruna and the Embera Chami). Read more ▸
Thanking Carolina Amaya for her Outstanding Work
We would like to warmly thank Carolina Amaya for her remarkable work as Spanish editor and translator for the ICCA Consortium, for which she has provided a dedicated and masterful hand for more than eight years. We wish her all the best and will remain in close contact as she focuses (even more!) on supporting ICCAs—territories of life in Colombia. Read more ▸
“¡Somos La Red TICCA Colombia!” Trabajo en Red Para La Defensa De Los Territorios
Los miembros de la Red TICCA Colombia aprovecharon un fructuoso encuentro nacional para consolidar su trabajo en red y capacitarse colectivamente sobre el autorreconocimiento y la documentación de los TICCA. Read more ▸
María Carolina Rodríguez Acero
Former Policy and Advocacy Coordinator for Latin America (2021-2023)
Manual de Protección a Defensores Indígenas de los Derechos Colectivos sobre sus Tierras, Territorios y Medio Ambiente
La Federación por la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos Indígenas (FAPI), Miembro del Consorcio TICCA, publicó este manual de protección dirigido a los pueblos indígenas que defienden sus tierras, territorios y el medio ambiente. En el contexto de la movilización global contra la criminalización de las y los defensores, nos parece importante compartir este valioso recurso. Read more ▸
The Second Regional Assembly of the ICCA Consortium in Latin America
The second Regional Assembly of the ICCA Consortium in Latin America was held in October 2019, in Peru, before the III Congress of Protected Areas of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAPLAC). It was an occasion for the membership of the region to share experiences, deepen their strategies, and ensure the wide visibility of territories of life at the CAPLAC. Read more ▸
Yes To Life, No To Mining Launches new ‘Emblematic Cases’ From Frontline Communities
A new collection of interactive case studies from the Yes to Life, No to Mining Network, of which the ICCA Consortium is part, shares the stories of communities resisting mining, restoring damaged ecosystems, and protecting and developing alternatives to extractivism. Read more ▸
COICA declares the Amazon in Environmental and Humanitarian Emergency and Calls to Solidarity
As the Amazon forest continues to burn for more than 20 days without effective action being taken by the Brazilian and Bolivian governments, COICA is calling out to international allies for solidarity and urgent assistance, to gather funds to stop fires and help local communities recover. Read more ▸
National Geographic Request for Proposals : “Amazon Conservation Capacity”
Apply by 9 October 2019 for this new funding opportunity to support the capacity and effectiveness of indigenous peoples and community-based organizations engaged in forest conservation and sustainable forest management in the Amazon. Projects should be led by indigenous and local leaders and consistent with community goals and values Read more ▸
Meet the Defenders: Panel Discussion on “Defending Nature Together” at Global Landscapes Forum
ICCA Consortium Member Forest Peoples Programme tells us about the environmental and human rights defenders (including a representative of Consortium Member ANAPAC RDC) who took the stage at the Global Landscapes Forum to share their struggles. Read more ▸
Divulgación de la iniciativa de apoyo a los TICCA – territorios de vida en Colombia
Imperdible pieza de comunicación para todos los publicos, hecha por el CEMI, Miembro del Consorcio, sobre la implementación de la Iniciativa Mundial de Apoyo a los TICCA en Colombia. Read more ▸
Primera reunión de la Red TICCA Colombia
Con el auspicio del PPD GEF Colombia y el acompañamiento técnico del CEMI, Miembro del Consorcio TICCA, se realizó la primera reunión de la Red TICCA Colombia los días 24 y 25 de abril de 2019, en Bogotá, Colombia. Read more ▸
ICCA-GSI Undertakes Legal and Policy Analyses to Improve Recognition of ICCAs
As part of the ICCA Global Support Initiative, together with the ICCA Consortium and Natural Justice, the UNDP GEF SGP conducted analyses to evaluate the impacts and opportunities of laws, policies and institutional frameworks on ICCAs at the national level in several countries. Read more ▸
Taganga: la historia de una lucha por el territorio
El pueblo ancestral pescador de Taganga, en la costa Colombiana, vi su modo de vida derretirse por la implantación del Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona y la alta contaminación de sus aguas por la empresa Terlica. Esta lucha entre David y Goliat se está organizando. Read more ▸