
Alert: Oil Company GeoPark Puts Indigenous Wampis at Risk of COVID-19 Contagion and Threatens Territorial Integrity

The Gobierno Territorial Autonomo de la Nación Wampis (GTANW) has taken legal action against the oil company GeoPark Peru SAC for threatening the Wampis Nation and their territory of life in the northern Peruvian Amazon. The ICCA Consortium fully supports the GTANW’s demands to the Peruvian government and GeoPark to halt all activities related to oil exploitation and leave Wampis territory immediately and permanently. Read more ▸

“Our Path With No End…”: the Shuar Arutam People and the Wampis Nation Reinforce Their Ties

Despite having been long divided by the border between Ecuador and Peru, the Shuar Arutam people and the Wampis Nation share the same ancestors and land. Now, after three decades of living apart, these two peoples are meeting again, creating shared territorial defense strategies in the face of the threats that plague their land, and envisioning a bi-national autonomous territory, one that transcends borders.  Read more ▸

The Second Regional Assembly of the ICCA Consortium in Latin America

The second Regional Assembly of the ICCA Consortium in Latin America was held in October 2019, in Peru, before the III Congress of Protected Areas of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAPLAC). It was an occasion for the membership of the region to share experiences, deepen their strategies, and ensure the wide visibility of territories of life at the CAPLAC. Read more ▸

Territorios de Vida, en el CAPLAC, Actores Clave en la Gobernanza de Áreas Protegidas y en la Conservación

En octubre, Lima acogió la Asamblea Regional de la Red TICCA Latinoamericana, y el III Congreso de Áreas Protegidas de Latinoamérica y Caribe (CAPLAC). El próximo mes, contaremos con un informe detallado y un artículo más extenso sobre los dos eventos. Por ahora, les compartimos el artículo de ALDEA, Miembro del Consorcio, que resume los aspectos esenciales. Read more ▸

Tejiendo lazos desde la nación Wampís

En un histórico encuentro, realizado en febrero en el territorio Wampís, once delegados de los Pueblos amazónicos Shuar Arutam, Achuar, pueblo kichwa Sarayaku, Shuar y Sapara, CONFENIAE y numerosos miembros del Consorcio TICCA intercambiaron sobre los 20 años de reflexión, consultas internas y consenso que llevaron a la Nación Wampís a autoproclamarse como Gobierno Territorial Autónomo.  Read more ▸