Uncle Claude at the World Parks Congress, Sydney 2014
Uncle Claude Beeron, Girramay elder, Director of Girringun Corporation at the World Parks Congress, November 2014.
Uncle Claude Beeron, Girramay elder, Director of Girringun Corporation at the World Parks Congress, November 2014.
His speech during the closure ceremony of the World Park Congress Sydney 2014.
In addition to a pre-Congress gathering in the Blue Mountains (“Communities Conserving Nature and Culture”) and a post-Congress field visit and capacity exchange on… Read more “ICCA-relevant results at the World Parks Congress (WPC), Sydney, Australia, November 2014” ▸
A post-WPC-event: “Assessing, evaluating and planning to enhance the governance of protected area systems and individual sites” field-visit and capacity exchange event on governance… Read more “Assessing, evaluating and planning to enhance the governance of protected area systems and individual sites” ▸
A young Traditional Owner of the Great Barrier Reef (Australia) described his attachment to the largest living being on Earth, which his people is… Read more “Young Traditional Owner of Great Barrier Reef at WPC” ▸
Together with the IUCN, UNDP GEF SGP, GIZ (the German International Development Agency), and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the… Read more “Stream 6: Enhancing Diversity and Quality of Governance (WPC)” ▸
Representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities who have a strong bond with nature and wish to express their willingness to keep it alive… Read more “A Pre-WPC event: Gathering of Communities conserving nature and culture, 7th to the 11th of November 2014, Katoomba, Blue Mountains, Australia” ▸
A small yet strategic group comprising 10 delegates from countries such as Iran, Philippines, Nepal, Pakistan, Taiwan – Province of China, Zimbabwe and Australia… Read more “ICCA Consortium at World Indigenous Network (WIN) Conference Darwin, Australia 26 – 30 May, 2013” ▸
Institutional designs of customary fisheries management arrangements in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Mexico, 2012
CBD Recognition Guidelines Series No. 64 “Recognising and Supporting ICCAs: Global overview and national case studies”: Australia case study.
CBD Recognition Guidelines Series No. 64 “Recognising and Supporting ICCAs: Global overview and national case studies”: Fiji case study.
No 18 Australia Prior to British colonisation in the late 19th century, the entire Australian continent had been owned, managed and sustainably used by… Read more “Legal Review No 18 Australia” ▸
No 19 Fiji As of 2007, Fiji’s population numbering 837,271 residents were composed of 56.8% indigenous Fijians (i Taukei), 37.5% Indian and 5.7% other… Read more “Legal Review No 19 Fiji” ▸
A letter was written on behalf of both the ICCA Consortium and CEESP (Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy of the International Union… Read more “Fiji – Concern about new fisheries legislation” ▸
Law, custom and community-based natural resource management in Kubulau District (Fiji), Peppe Clarke and Stacy Jupiter, Environmental Conservation 37 (1): 98–106, Foundation for Environmental… Read more “Law, custom and community-based natural resource management in Kubulau District” ▸
Paruku Indigenous Protected Area, August 2008
Tarevalata ‘Kastom’ Conserved Area, Chivoko, Lauru Island, May 2008
Towards Decolonisation of Australia’s Protected Area Management: the Nantawarrina Indigenous Protected Area Experience, Samantha Muller, 2003