
Celebrating the ICCA Consortium’s 10-year Anniversary

This month marks the 10th anniversary of the ICCA Consortium, officially founded on 13 July 2010. We are so grateful to be celebrating together now and we invite our membership, partners and allies to join us in commemorating this important moment for our association and territories of life!  Read more ▸

How is the Indigenous Obu Manuvu Community Facing the COVID-19 Crisis in the Philippines?

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The Indigenous Obu Manuvu community of Davao City on Mindanao Island, Philippines owns over 13,000 hectares of ancestral forests. By engaging the Obu Manuvu “Pusaka” cosmology, they manage these ancestral forests as an ICCA to benefit biodiversity, regional economy and, more importantly their well-being and culture. This video highlights the value of their historical experiences with epidemics and how their time-tested adaptations helped them cope. Read more ▸

A Possible Legal Route to Secure and Reinforce ICCAs–territories of life in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

In Democratic Republic of the Congo, the National Assembly deemed the proposed “Organic Bill on fundamental principles relating to the protection and promotion of Indigenous peoples’ rights” admissible. This tremendous step forward is the result of a decade of advocacy work by the Indigenous movement in Congo, and could led to the recognition of Indigenous Pygmy peoples as well as their territories and ancestral knowledge.  Read more ▸

Second South East Asia Regional Assembly from 1-4 June

The gathering provides an online venue for sharing and learning from each other about the territories of life in the region. This year’s gathering has the further aim of continuing the ICCA Consortium’s regionalisation process in Southeast Asia. Check the programme!  Read more ▸

COVID-19 Places Iran’s Nomadic Pastoralists at a Crossroads

Nomadic pastoralists in Iran play an important role in national food security and sovereignty. Since the arrival of COVID-19, they have been deeply concerned about the impact that the pandemic is likely to have on their society and way of life. UNINOMAD, ICCA Consortium Member, outlined its members’ concerns and proposed solutions in a letter sent to key national authorities on 10 March 2020.  Read more ▸

The Evolving Crisis in Sinjajevina

Last September, we published an alert about Sinjajevina, Montenegro, where local communities and civil society were organizing to defend their pasturelands, in the face of government plans to occupy and use it as a military artillery testing range. Our Honorary member Pablo Domínguez tells us how the Sinjajevina communities have been confronting the crisis since then.  Read more ▸