
2020: Super Year for Women in Biodiversity?

“It is time to go beyond a focus on women’s vulnerabilities to the recognition of women as agents of change and active participants in caring for the environment, restoring and recovering biodiversity, and healing our relationship with nature.” On Earth Day, our Honorary member Cristina Eghenter offers her reflections on women in conservation.  Read more ▸

The ICCA Consortium Urges Authorities to Immediately Release and Drop Charges Against Indigenous and Peasant Leaders in Assam, India

Indigenous peoples’ rights and peasants’ rights activists Pranab Doley and Soneshwar Narah were arrested on 7 April 2020 in Assam, India. The arrests appear to be politically motivated with the intention of intimidating and silencing these community leaders, who have dedicated their lives to social justice and supporting Indigenous peoples, forest dwellers and peasant communities. Read more ▸

Together We Rise! The Importance of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas in the Time of COVID-19

In Canada, the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership held a virtual dialogue on the importance of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. With a message of great hope, Allison Bishop shares the group’s collective reflections about human relationships with nature and the opportunity that IPCAs represent to care for the natural world.  Read more ▸

Global Calls for and on Territories of Life During the COVID-19 Crisis

The ICCA Consortium organised the first round of online discussions to bring together our membership in this difficult time, to strengthen solidarity, share experiences and responses from territories of life around the world, and jointly reflect on the ICCA Consortium’s role, both now and into the future. We shared inspiring stories as well as challenges, as we considered how the ICCA Consortium could play a role in confronting and affecting the dominant paradigms that led to the emergence of COVID-19. Read more ▸

The Indigenous World 2020 – by IWGIA

IWGIA recently published its report ‘The Indigenous World 2020’. An impressive 114 authors contributed to the report; Indigenous and non-indigenous activists and scholars from all over the world. The work surveys the main events to impact the lives of Indigenous communities in 2019. The book will stand as a go-to reference for all who wish to be informed and current on the rights of Indigenous peoples.  Read more ▸

One Earth: People of Color Protecting Our Planet

One Earth profiles Black, Indigenous and People of Color who live and work as environmental defenders. Here, twenty short biographies introduce readers to diverse environmental defenders from around the world. Our dear Ghanimat Azhdari is among these young inspiring people interviewed by the author, Anuradha Rao, who describes the experience of writing this book and her meeting with Ghanimat.  Read more ▸

Convocatoria a Traductores Voluntarios para Apoyar al Consorcio TICCA

La comunicación entre continentes, idiomas y culturas es parte de nuestra vida diaria en el Consorcio TICCA. A medida que nos esforzamos por seguir mejorando nuestra capacidad de compartir e intercambiar historias, experiencias e información con nuestros Miembros y socios, estamos creando un grupo de voluntarios para apoyar con la traducción. Read more ▸

Third ICCA Site Registered in Finland: GoldCrest Forest

“GoldCrest” is a small old-growth forest site of great importance to the local Selkie village that is now registered in the global ICCA Registry hosted by UNEP-WCMC. The forest had been under a threat of being clear cut, but thanks to the Landscape Rewilding Programme, it has now been spared. An article by Snowchange.  Read more ▸

Inclusive Development, an Imperative for the Future: Building Broader Partnerships for Better Informed Decisions

There is ample evidence that more inclusive approaches to conservation and sustainable development lead to greater success, both in human and environmental terms. Five different ways to build, broaden and strengthen appropriate and genuine partnerships – including through recognising ICCAs–territories of life – are described in this article by Marc Foggin, representative of ICCA Consortium Member Plateau Perspectives.  Read more ▸