
A Photographic Journey: the Tsum Territory of Life in Nepal, Himalaya

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Concluding a collective process spanning five years, this photo story presents the Tsum territory of life, highlighting its institutions and practices of biocultural conservation, as well as the external and internal threats to the land, and the responses of the Tsumba people, guided by their determination to sustain their territory for current and future generations. Read more ▸

Webinar: What Do OECMs Mean for Territories of Life?

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In the second webinar organised by ICCA Consortium Member NTFP-EP to build shared capacity and understanding of ICCAs—territories of life in Southeast Asia, Harry Jonas presented ‘other effective area-based conservation measures’ and the challenges and opportunities this new framework for Indigenous peoples and local communities represents.  Read more ▸

Global Report Identifies Land, Environmental and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights as Most Dangerous Sector for Human Rights Defenders

With growing global concern over our climate and ecological crises, those who defend Mother Earth should be gaining better protection – but instead, they are being targeted. According to Front Line Defenders’ annual global analysis, the fight for land, environmental and indigenous peoples’ rights was the most dangerous sector for defenders, comprising 40% of the human rights defenders killed in 2019.  Read more ▸

Without Youth and Children, Nothing is Possible!

Sharing her experiences in three youth-led international events in 2019, Emma Courtine, Honorary Member and Secretariat of the ICCA Consortium, reflects on opportunities and ideas for the Consortium to engage youth and enhance youth participation— including the creation of a youth platform within the Consortium! Read more ▸