
XVth General Assembly – Rajasthan, India

The ICCA Consortium’s XVth General Assembly in Udaipur, India, was an important moment for the founding and next generation leadership. It marked the last GA co-organised by Grazia Borrini Feyerabend, one of the Consortium’s founders and leaders, who moved into the Council of Elders. The membership welcomed several new Council members by consensus, including a number of young leaders, as well as new team members in the global Secretariat. Read more ▸

A new resource for African environmental defenders

On International Human Rights Day, Natural Justice (ICCA Consortium Member) and the International Land Coalition present “African Environmental Defenders”, a resource for African land and environmental defenders. It aims at providing funding support in emergency situations.  Read more ▸

The Geneva Declaration – Companies Must Commit to Zero Tolerance Against Killing and Violence in Supply Chains

Representatives from indigenous peoples, afro-descendant, and peasant communities from 16 countries issued the Geneva Declaration, an urgent call for action that demands governments and companies end the violence, killing, and deliberate criminalisation of people defending their rights, their lands and their communities. Forest Peoples Programme (ICCA Consortium Member) participated in this process.  Read more ▸