
Truth and (Re)Conciliation for the Sámi in Finland — or a Way for the State to Wash its Hands?

Preparations have been made in Finland to establish a truth and reconciliation commission regarding the indigenous Sámi people. As the plans go forward, Aslak Holmberg, Vice President of the Saami Council, stipulates that unless this process is prepared to change the political marginalisation of the Sámi, there is little reason for opening old wounds for what could otherwise be an empty apology. Read more ▸

We Adapt. We Restore. We Survive – Reviving Tahltan Knowledge, Governance and Territory

In June 2019, Tahltan elders and leaders, members of Snowchange, representatives from The Gaia Foundation, Land is Life, ICCA Consortium and the IUCN came together in the heart of Tahltan Territory to learn from the elders, discuss current challenges, and explore the possibility of establishing ICCAs. Discover the story of this extraordinary meeting through the multimedia presentation created by The Gaia Foundation. Read more ▸

New ICCA Consortium Global Coordinator Appointed

The President and Executive Committee of the ICCA Consortium are delighted to announce the appointment of Holly Jonas as Consortium Global Coordinator, to begin in January 2020. The Executive Committee of Council looks forward to working alongside Holly and taking the Consortium to new heights! Read more ▸

Sacred Sites and The Protection of Territories of Life

Natural Justice, ICCA Consortium Member, participated in a global meeting to confront the current planetary crisis by fostering the protection of our sacred natural sites and ensuring the restoration of Earth’s ecosystems and biodiversity. The meeting led to the creation of The Alliance for the Sacred Sites of Earth Gaia. Read more ▸

African Dialogue on Alternatives to Unsustainable Livestock Production

The first of a series of regional dialogues on Alternatives to Unsustainable Livestock Production was held in Africa, jointly organised by the Global Forest Coalition, ICCA Consortium Member, and Zelealem Tefera, ICCA Consortium Council Member. It highlighted the opportunities and the source of knowledge that ICCAs, especially traditional pastoralist communities, represent. Read more ▸

Koitajoki River Documented in a New Seining Film

“Koitajoki”, a documentary film, has been released by Snowchange, Member of ICCA Consortium; the community of Ala-Koita fishermen; PrettyGoodProductions; and the Interreg SHAPE project. It focuses on an iconic, but highly endangered cultural fishery in Karelia: river seining. Read more ▸