
The Journey to Kunming (Part II): Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Make Their Voices Heard in First Official Meeting of Post-2020 Process

From organising demonstrations to delivering statements in UN plenary sessions, representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities around the world are creating an “ecosystem” of collective actions for rights-based approaches and intergenerational equity — and tackling the drivers of biodiversity loss as key elements of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Read more ▸

La Conservation des APAC par la Transmission des Connaissances : l’Expérience de la Communauté Locale de Kalwaka au Burkina Faso

Cette année, l’Assemblée Générale du Village de Kalwaka s’est concentrée sur la transmission des connaissances sur les bois sacrés du village, exercice qui a permis des échanges particulièrement enrichissants entre aînés, adultes et enfants sur la conservation de ces bois, ainsi que l’émergence de proposition innovantes en lien avec le système éducatif. Read more ▸

The Communitarian Revolutionary Subject: New Forms of Social Transformation

The hope for a unique revolutionary actor in the XX Century evaporated as a result of the weaknesses of social organizations. In the context of Mexico, this paper, written by David Barkin, ICCA Consortium Honorary member, and Alejandra Sánchez, examines the potential of an almost-forgotten group of revolutionary actors: the indigenous and peasant communities.  Read more ▸