
Indigenismo y Colonias Verdes

Juan Carlos Tonko Paterito, Presidente de la Comunidad Indígena Kawésqar Residente en Puerto Edén (Chile), Miembro del Consorcio, analiza los daños producidos por las ONGs ambientalistas y las empresas transnacionales en la República de Magallanes, al sur de Chile. Read more ▸

Mega Dams: Glorifying Bakun to Promote Papar

In Malaysia, despite long- standing problems and complaints of the indigenous peoples affected by Bakun Dam, and without the free, prior, and informed consent of local populations, the government is planning to build another such project: Papar Dam. In this article, ICCA Consortium Member SAVE Rivers reports on the situation. Read more ▸

#PowerShifts Resources: Collective Mapping

In this article, Maria Faciolince (OXFAM) gives an in-depth review of the different uses of collective mapping by civil society organizations, and provides various resources and online tools for elaborating collective mapping, including many that are directly related to ICCAs and the ICCA Consortium. Read more ▸

L’Instauration de Consortium APAC Zonaux au Sénégal

C’est un moment historique pour le Sénégal : avec le soutien de Kabeka, Membre du Consortium APAC, plusieurs Consortium APAC Zonaux sont mis en place dans le pays, suite aux ateliers menés dans chacune de ces zones, déterminées selon des critères éco-géographiques. Read more ▸

Indigenous Perspectives on Sacred Natural Sites

Bas Verschuuren, Honorary member of the ICCA Consortium, co-edited this volume which carries the voices, experiences and perspectives of indigenous peoples regarding the treatment of the sacred and its protection and governance in the face of threats from various forms of natural resource exploitation and development. Read more ▸

Towards Convivial Conservation

In this article, Bram Büscher (ICCA Consortium Honorary Member) and Robert Fletcher propose an alternative perspective to conservation. Named ‘convivial conservation’, this post-capitalist approach promotes radical equity, structural transformation and environmental justice. Read more ▸