
A New ToolKit of Resources on Indigenous Education

The ICCA Consortium partner LifeMosaic launches its new toolkit of resources on Indigenous Education. It is for indigenous educators, indigenous school initiators, or for anyone that is interested in education that helps sustain diverse expressions of humanity. Read more ▸

Celebrating the Recently Launched IPBES Global Assessment

Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares and Aibek Samakov, Honorary members of the ICCA Consortium, participated in the elaboration of the Global Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, organised by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).  Read more ▸

Pluriverse : A Post-Development Dictionary

Lead edited by ICCA Consortium Council of Elders member Ashish Kothari, several Member representatives and Honorary members participated in the elaboration of this volume, creating a stimulating collection of over 100 essays on transformative alternatives to the current dominant processes of globalized development.  Read more ▸

The ICCA Consortium at the UNPFII 2019

A delegation from the ICCA Consortium participated in the eighteenth session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and made statements during the thematic discussion on “Conservation and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”. Read more ▸

The Indigenous World 2019 – by IWGIA

IWGIA just published its report ‘The Indigenous World 2019’. Ninety-seven authors from Latin America, Africa, Asia, Arctic, Middle East and the Pacific line-up the main events impacting the lives of indigenous communities in 2018, making the book a go-to reference for everyone who wishes to be updated on the rights of indigenous peoples. Read more ▸