
UN adopts International Declaration on the Rights of Peasants

On December 17th, the 73 Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 73) in New York adopted the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas! Now that the declaration is an international legal instrument, it is time to mobilise to support regional and national implementation processes. Read more ▸

Highlights from the 55th GEF Council Meeting and CSO Consultation

The ICCA Consortium joined Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Civil Society Organisation (CSO) Network members at the 55th GEF Council Meeting and CSO consultation. An opportunity to enhance the value of ICCAs and the need for their recognition, as well as to support a meaningful “inclusive conservation”. Read more ▸

Outputs on the COP 24 of the UNFCCC

UNFCCC’s 24th Conference of the Parties began with great expectations. Despite some progress such as the creation of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform, COP24 overall was marred by insufficient ambition and action on crucial issues. Read more ▸

National Workshop on ICCAs held in Malaysia

A multi-stakeholder workshop organized by PACOS Trust and SGP-Malaysia called for more support for communities’ self-strengthening efforts, the establishment of a national ICCA working group and the development of a dedicated law on ICCAs—Territories of Life. Read more ▸

Women, Food and Biodiversity

The lives of women farmers in rural Kalimantan who daily and quietly labor in their communities to safeguard local agricultural systems and food security are the subject of a book written collectively with women farmers and local seed keepers from Kalimantan, Indonesia. Read more ▸

Conformación de la Red TICCA Colombia

En el marco de la Iniciativa Mundial de Apoyo a los TICCA y como corolario del evento de cierre de los proyectos PPD TICCA, 15 representantes de comunidades y organizaciones indígenas, negras y campesinas firmaron el pasado 9 de noviembre la Declaración de Conformación de la Red TICCA Colombia. Read more ▸