
Risks to the sanctity of community lands in Kenya. A critical assessment of new legislation with reference to forestlands

This paper focuses upon loopholes in new laws that could exclude forested lands from collective entitlement, impairing constitutional advances in the process. Ambiguity within the Kenyan Constitution itself plays a role. Therefore, while lesser impediments to land justice may be remedied through clarifying regulations and parliamentary removal of offending clauses, judicial interpretation of constitutional intentions is required.  Read more ▸

ICCA Advocates at the Communities, Conservation & Livelihoods Conference

Members and partners of the ICCA Consortium congregated in Halifax, Canada for the Communities, Conservation and Livelihoods Conference. The conference, co-organized by the Community Conservation Research Network and the IUCN Commission on Environment, Economics, and Social Policy (CEESP), gathered over 400 participants from NGOs, the academe, and communities.  Read more ▸

Peer-to-peer Dialogue on Weaving SDG 16 and Human Rights Law into the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

A peer-to-peer dialogue took place on the outskirts of Nairobi. Practitioners of environmental and human rights law from the judiciary, academia, civil society and various levels of government discussed and made recommendations for goals to be set for the post 2020 global biodiversity framework and contribute to the implementation of human rights to a healthy and sustainable environment Read more ▸

Second ICCA site established in Finland: Linnunsuo

Snowchange has established a second ICCA in Finland. It is a 110-hectare wetland Linnunsuo, located in North Karelia. This action strengthens the capacity of local communities, hunters, bird watchers and other stakeholders to use (I)CCA as a method for conservation of significant sites in Finland. Read more ▸