First published on 12/31/2010, and last updated on 06/20/2017
This is a link to the main GBO page and gives (on the right hand-top corner) links to the GBO Handbook in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish, English and Portuguese. Page 40-41 are the most relevant pages to community conserved areas:
‘ Indigenous and local communities play a significant role in conserving very substantial areas of high biodiversity and cultural value.’ p. 40
‘In addition to officially-designated protected areas, there are many thousand Community Conserved Areas (CCAs) across the world, including sacred forests, wetlands, and landscapes, village lakes, catchment forests, river and coastal stretches and marine areas.’ p.40
‘Biodiversity is at the centre of many religions and cultures…this is particularly true for more than 400 million indigenous and local community members for whom the Earth’s biodiversity is not only a source of wellbeing but also the foundation of their cultural and spiritual identities.’ p.40
‘Some studies show that levels of protection are actually higher under community or indigenous management than under government management alone.’