First published on 11/20/2014, and last updated on 06/26/2017
Together with the IUCN, UNDP GEF SGP, GIZ (the German International Development Agency), and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the ICCA Consortium has co-organised a main Stream of events at the World Park Congress on 12-19 November 2014 in Sydney.
The overall programme of the Stream, including a short description of the 36 events it included, is available here, and these three movies have been developed to maintain a lively memory of its achievements
The Stream has examined examples of diversity, quality and vitality of governance of protected areas across the world, illustrating positive and problematic cases and highlighting knowledge, tools and capacities useful to meet international conservation commitments, such as the Aichi Biodiversity Targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity. It has shown how diverse, good and vital governance can enhance conservation coverage, effectiveness, equity, connectivity and social engagement.
Issues were approached in a participatory way, engaging delegates in drawing conclusions and developing recommendations. The Stream ushered commitments to improve governance and national and regional networks to sustain “learning by doing” in a variety of social and ecological environments.
For a review of basic concepts and terms on governance of protected and conserved areas please see the primer on the subject available here below in three languages:
English Primer on Governance for Protected and Conserved Areas | French Lexique sur la Gouvernance des Aires Protégées et Conservées | Spanish Cartilla sobre Gobernanza para Areas Protegidas y Conservadas |
Please read our Introductory Fact sheet in English, French, Spanish.
The Global Coordinator of the ICCA Consortium receives prestigious Fred Packard Award at WPC
Video of the speech made by Reza Salehi and Ghanimat Azhdari during one plenary of the WPC, on the ICCA of the Abolhassani Iranian Tribal Confederacy (only the beginning in Farsi, the rest in English!)