Categories Africa, Alert, Newsflash, Tanzania, World

Tanzania – After a long struggle, Loliondo Game Controlled Area project is cancelled

First published on 11/14/2017, and last updated on 08/08/2023

Update : November 13, 2017

After a long battle for land rights, grazing rights, the government of Tanzania has cancelled the hunting license of OBC in Loliondo. Read more here.

Update : February 17, 2015

The ICCA Consortium received notification through various networks and members of an operation carried out by Serengeti National Park against the Maasai residents of villages bordering the park in the villages of Ololosokwan and Arash in Loliondo (see previous alert).

As reported in the Tanzanian media, this incident involved the destruction of over 100 homesteads, as well as food and other family supplies, the confiscation of livestock, and alleged violence committed against members of the community.


Watch this powerful participative video made, despite intimidation, harassment, accusations and direct threats, by 6 members of the Maasai community, from three distinct clans, who have been battling over twenty years to protect their territory.


 Update: May 6, 2013

An international consortium of local communities, indigenous peoples and NGOs express concern to the Tanzanian Government that the proposed Loliondo Game Controlled Area (GCA) will threaten both conservation and local livelihood interests.

On March 6th 2013, the ICCA Consortium wrote a letter of concern over an impending decision on land right in Loliondo.

There was a press release for this alert.

Considering the following articles, it seemed that this alert was concluded positively. From the Guardian newspaper: “Tanzania ditches plan to evict Masai for Serengeti ‘wildlife corridor’ “.

Much more information on the outcomes of this matter can be found here, in these press releases and website extracts:

The role of the ICCA Consortium was echoed in these articles:

Kiswahili / Swahili

Tanzania – Kufuatia mapambano ya muda mrefu, Mradi wa Eneo la Pori Tengefu la Loliondo Umefutwa


Baada ya mapambano ya muda mrefu ya haki za ardhi, na malisho, serikali ya Tanzania imefuta leseni ya uwindaji ya OBC huko Loliondo. Soma zaidi hapa.


Shirika la ICCA lilipata taarifa kupitia mitandao mbalimbali na wanachama wake kuhusu operesheni iliyofanywa na Hifadhi ya Taifa ya Serengeti dhidi ya wakaazi wa Kimasai wa vijiji vinavyopakana na eneo hilo katika vijiji vya Ololosokwan na Arash huko Loliondo (tazama tahadhari iliyopita).

Kama ilivyoripotiwa na vyombo vya habari vya Tanzania, tukio hili lilihusisha uharibifu wa zaidi ya nyumba mia moja (100), pamoja na vyakula na vifaa vingine vya familia, pamoja na kunyang’anywa mifugo na ukatili dhidi ya watu wa jamii hiyo.

Tazama video hii yenye nguvu shirikishi iliyotolewa, licha ya vitisho, unyanyasaji, shutuma na vitisho vya moja kwa moja, vilivyotolewa na watu 6 wa jamii ya Wamaasai, kutoka koo tatu tofauti, ambao wamekuwa wakipigana kwa zaidi ya miaka ishirini kulinda eneo lao.


HIVI SASA: MEI 6, 2013

Muungano wa kimataifa wa jumuiya za wenyeji, watu wa kiasili na mashirika yasiyo ya kiserikali wanatoa wasiwasi kwa Serikali ya Tanzania kwamba Maeneo ya Pori Tengefu la Loliondo (GCA) yaliyopendekezwa kwa pamoja yatatishia uhifadhi na ustawi wa maisha ya wenyeji.

Mnamo tarehe 6 Machi 2013, Muungano wa ICCA uliandika barua juu ya wasiwasi kuhusu uamuzi uliopendekezwa  juu ya haki ya ardhi huko Loliondo.

Kuna taarifa iliyotolewa kwa vyombo vya habari kuhusu habari hii.

Kwa kuzingatia makala zifuatazo, ilionekana kwamba tahadhari hiyo ilihitimishwa vyema. Kutoka gazeti la Guardian: “Tanzania imesitisha mpango wa kuwaondoa Wamasai kwenye ‘mbuga’ ya Serengeti”

Unaweza kupata taarifa zaidi ya tukio hili kwenye vyomno vya habari na dondoo za tovuti:

Jukumu la Muungano wa ICCA lilirejelewa katika makala haya:

Tafsiri ya Kiswahili: Nancy Chepkirui na Milka Chepkorir.