The 2022 UN Ocean Conference took place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 27 June to 1 July 2022. With the overarching theme of “Scaling up ocean action based on science and innovation for the implementation of [Sustainable Development] Goal 14: stocktaking, partnerships, and solutions”, the Conference program featured plenary sessions, special dialogues, interactive dialogues, and a range of side events. The ICCA Consortium has supported an in-person delegation of Members and Honorary members from around the world, emphasizing collective and customary governance, human rights and social justice, and recognition of Indigenous Peoples and local communities as the primary caretakers of our oceans.

Recap of 2022 UN Ocean Conference: the power of collective action and community resilience in the face of local-to-global challenges
The 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference was held in Lisbon, Portugal, from June 27 to July 1, 2022. The ICCA Consortium and several Members and community partners from twelve island and coastal countries attended the conference. Together, we highlighted the self-determined priorities of Indigenous and community custodians of island, coastal and marine territories of life, and of artisanal and small-scale fishers, in a conference that was otherwise focused on status quo approaches to ocean conservation and economic priorities.
Messages from fishers, and representatives of fishers’ organizations

Follow #IndigenousOcean #CommunityFisheries at #UNOC2022
Fishers, representatives of fishers’ organizations, Indigenous and local community leaders, and civil society organizations are available for interviews and other media opportunities. Please contact our Communications Coordinator, Mohammad Arju, by email: arju [at] iccaconsortium [dot] org
Media contacts for participants from ICCA Consortium Members and network partners from specific regions
For participants from Mesoamerica (including Costa Rica, Panama, Honduras, and Mexico):
Vivienne Solis Rivera
CoopeSoliDar (ICCA Consortium Member)
For participants from Chile:
Luciano Hiriart-Bertrand
Costa Humboldt (ICCA Consortium Member)
For participants from Asia-Pacific (including Fiji, the Philippines, and Indonesia):
Hugh Govan
LMMA Network International (ICCA Consortium Member)
For participants from Africa (including Madagascar, Senegal, and Tanzania) and UK/Europe:
Annie Tourette
Blue Ventures (ICCA Consortium Member)
First published on 06/18/2022, and last updated on 09/22/2022