
A message from the President of the ICCA Consortium’s Council

Dear friends, in 2025 and beyond, the ICCA Consortium will continue to overcome challenges to working more closely with our member territories, partners, and allies to deepen our strategic issues mentioned above and our own as a global movement for the defense and promotion of the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. Read more ▸

Global Biodiversity Framework Fund: reflections and recommendations for advancing direct and equitable funding for Indigenous and community-led conservation

This article highlights and builds on key points and recommendations shared in a statement by Giovanni B. Reyes during the Ministerial Dialogue and Pledging Session for the GBFF on 28 October 2024 during the 16th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP16) in Cali, Colombia). Read more ▸

The ICCA Consortium and Indigenous Peoples’ territories of life

The Consortium as a collective and its members in their capacities have been among the critical actors in facilitating the changed understanding: support and recognition to the Indigenous Peoples and local communities, their worldviews, bio-cultural governance, and knowledge systems can help us arrive at transformative pathways to address the deepening global ecological and climate crises.  Read more ▸