Many ICCAs across the world are threatened… but they are also in the presence of opportunities. The first step of an effective response is identifying such threats and opportunities clearly, and assessing their nature, scale and importance.  This requires strong and careful internal communication, as well as good coordination among different affected communities or groups. All concerned parties will have to develop an in-depth evaluation of the situation.  Resisting threats and positively responding to opportunities can be done by each community with or without the support of other communities and organisations.  Responses may call for re-affirming and compiling bio-cultural community protocols, organising and linking with allies towards critical mass of support and/or developing specific initiatives and applying for financial and other forms of support to implement them.

Biocultural Community Protocol : a Toolkit for Facilitator


A Biocultural Community Protocol aims at supporting communities to secure their rights and responsibilities and to strengthen customary ways of life and stewardship of their territories and areas. It is directed primarily towards facilitators from the communities themselves or from supporting organizations with whom they have long-standing and positive relationships. The Biocultural Community Protocols: a toolkit for facilitator is available online on the website of Natural Justice, an ICCA Consortium member.

Read more in the publication: ICCA Self-Strengthening ICCAs – Guidance on a process and resources for custodian indigenous peoples and local communities, Module 4.

First published on 05/02/2016, and last updated on 12/18/2018