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Assembly of Amazon Node of Red Ticca Colombia (ICCA Colombia Network) held

The Amazon Node Assembly of the Red Ticca Colombia (ICCA Colombia Network) took place in Cota, Cundinamarca, from February 25 through March 1, 2024. Its objectives were to promote exchange among representatives from territories of life in the Colombian Amazon, carry out the annual ordinary assembly of the Amazon Node Network, and offer a communications training workshop to develop a strategy for the Node and the Re:wild project. Read more ▸

The ICCA Consortium and Indigenous Peoples’ territories of life

The Consortium as a collective and its members in their capacities have been among the critical actors in facilitating the changed understanding: support and recognition to the Indigenous Peoples and local communities, their worldviews, bio-cultural governance, and knowledge systems can help us arrive at transformative pathways to address the deepening global ecological and climate crises.  Read more ▸

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