The Global Support Initiative to ICCA – Newsletter #2

Newsletter shared by the UNDP GEF SGP – As such, the Global Support Initiative for ICCA was formed to broaden the range and quality of diverse governance types in recognizing ICCAs and achieve the Aichi 2020 targets. ICCA-GSI’s objective is to improve the recognition and overall effectiveness for biodiversity conservation, sustainable livelihoods and resilience to climate change effects of territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities. Read more ▸


Since the beginning of the new millennium, in the year 2000, global interest has been steadily growing  for territories and areas governed, managed, and…  Read more “Global”

Alert: In Gabon, Massaha community denounces the government’s attempts to circumvent Minister’s commitment to secure their sacred forest

The long-awaited Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity framework – just adopted in December 2022 – explicitly recognizes the territories and rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. This new international instrument further bolsters previous Gabonese government commitments to protect the sacred forest of the community of Massaha. However, the government has yet to follow through on these promises, leaving the community searching for answers amidst conflicting messages. The ICCA Consortium reiterates our solidarity with the Massaha community and calls on the government of Gabon to live up to its laudable commitments.  Read more ▸

A Rights-based Path for People and Planet

The fourth paper of the series by “Human Rights and Biodiversity Working Group” highlights what it takes to integrate a human rights-based approach in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and how it can be done during the UN Biodiversity Summit COP15. Read more ▸

The Journey to Kunming (Part II): Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Make Their Voices Heard in First Official Meeting of Post-2020 Process

From organising demonstrations to delivering statements in UN plenary sessions, representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities around the world are creating an “ecosystem” of collective actions for rights-based approaches and intergenerational equity — and tackling the drivers of biodiversity loss as key elements of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Read more ▸

Welcoming new Members and Honorary members to the Consortium

The ICCA Consortium Membership Committee is pleased to announce our newest Members and Honorary members! The following organisations and individuals have joined the membership through the review/intake round in early 2023. In light of our ongoing process of organisational reflection, revisioning and strategic planning, the 2023 General Assembly decided to have only one membership intake round this year (instead of two) and to temporarily pause consideration of new Member applications and Honorary member nominations until early next year. Read more ▸

Book: Fifty Indigenous Leaders’ Voices for Nature and People in Indonesia

The Working Group ICCAs Indonesia (WGII), a member of the ICCA Consortium, recently launched the English version of the 2021 book “Suara Masyarakat Adat untuk Alam dan Manusia.” The collection of interviews in the book demonstrates that customary governance systems effectively protect biodiversity and ecosystem functions in Indigenous territories of life. Read more ▸