The natural and cultural heritage of the High Atlas on display at the 2022 edition of the Biocultural Festival in Morocco

In July 2022, the Biocultural Festival of Morocco, organized by the Moroccan Biodiversity and Livelihoods Association (MBLA, ICCA Consortium Member), focused on sustaining territories of life and preserving farmers’ seeds and traditional culinary knowledge. It also emphasized semi-nomadic pastoralists and the Agdals’ contributions to biodiversity conservation. Read more ▸

COP15 event explored the role of relationships, partnerships, and networks in supporting Indigenous Peoples and local communities

This joint event, co-organised by the ICCA Consortium, Maliasili, Luc Hoffmann Institute, and IUCN CEESP, reflected on the core values that should guide relationships and partnerships and the power imbalances that often pervade them. Overall, the event highlighted the importance of reconceptualising partnerships from the perspective of Indigenous Peoples and local communities themselves and in the form of networks of solidarity and support. Read more ▸

The South Asia Community Conserved Areas portal is officially launched

There are innumerable examples around the world of community-based conservation initiatives with unique governance and management systems and the use of traditional knowledge. These efforts have gained recognition on the national level and within global environmental policies, but there is still a huge gap that exists in bringing visibility to Community Conserved Areas (CCAs), especially in the context of South Asia. Read more ▸

Community fisheries and the 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference

During the recent United Nations Ocean Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, the ICCA Consortium supported the participation of various Member organizations, fishers, and representatives of Indigenous and local communities. Vivienne Solís Rivera and Marvin Fonseca (CoopeSoliDar R.L, ICCA Consortium Member) recount how participants from Indigenous and local communities made an impact in securing better recognition of their rights and more holistic conservation of the oceans. Read more ▸

Solidarity Statement on International Mother Earth Day 2022

The ICCA Consortium stands in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and local communities who are sustaining their collective lands, waters, and territories of life in the face of immense challenges and calls on decision-makers and funders to support the self-determination of these custodians and the diversification and localization of the conservation industry. Read more ▸

Alert: Ekuri community confronts illegal logging in their customary forest in Nigeria

The New and Old Ekuri community of the Cross River state in Nigeria are resisting the illegal logging of their forest to pave way for a proposed highway. The ICCA Consortium stands with the Ekuri community and calls for the immediate end of the illegal logging and violation of the community’s rights, including free, prior and informed consent, and continuous undermining of their longstanding efforts to conserve their forest. Read more ▸