Karen Indigenous youth are leading self-determination and revitalizing territories of life in Myanmar: Esther Wah

Esther Wah is the Secretary of the All Burma Indigenous Peoples Alliance (ABIPA) and a Council member (Thematic representative for youth and intergenerational relations) of the ICCA Consortium. In this interview, Ms. Wah talks about how the Indigenous Karen youth are becoming a driving force in securing self-determination and revitalizing the Indigenous governance and management systems in our ancestral territories of life. Read more ▸

The ICCA Consortium holds its 19th General Assembly online, the first with staggered approach

More than 200 people, including representatives of more than 100 Member organizations, participated in the ICCA Consortium’s 19th General Assembly, which was held over four sessions in as many months. The Assembly learned about key aspects of the work carried out in 2022 and took several important decisions for the future of the association. Members and Honorary members also participated in a series of optional membership engagement events on diverse topics. Read more ▸

Defending territories, defending lives

Indigenous Peoples in Southeast Asia navigate their place within the legal frameworks of the nation-states. The extent of their self-determination depends on the strength and resilience of their assertions, and the space nation-states provide for such self-determination to be exercised.  Read more ▸

Welcoming new Members and Honorary members to the Consortium

As of 26 October 2022, the current ICCA Consortium membership (including Member organisations and Honorary members) are invited and encouraged to review the following Member applications and Honorary member nominations received in this second membership round of 2022. Any comments are welcome by 26 November 2022. Read more ▸