KRAPAVIS Organizes a Workshop with Partners and Allies to Secure Orans

In India, KRAPAVIS (ICCA Consortium Member) organized a workshop that included representatives from communities, forestry research and other research institutions, universities and colleges, along with the Forest Department, the ‘Rajasthan State Biodiversity Board’ (RSBB) NGOs, and governmental agencies, to agree on the first steps to secure Orans, based on the 2018 “deemed forest” Supreme Court order.  Read more ▸

Highlights from the 55th GEF Council Meeting and CSO Consultation

The ICCA Consortium joined Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Civil Society Organisation (CSO) Network members at the 55th GEF Council Meeting and CSO consultation. An opportunity to enhance the value of ICCAs and the need for their recognition, as well as to support a meaningful “inclusive conservation”. Read more ▸

National Workshop on ICCAs held in Malaysia

A multi-stakeholder workshop organized by PACOS Trust and SGP-Malaysia called for more support for communities’ self-strengthening efforts, the establishment of a national ICCA working group and the development of a dedicated law on ICCAs—Territories of Life. Read more ▸

IPBES Seminar on Arctic Indigenous and Local Knowledge & Sustainability

A seminar on Arctic Indigenous and Local Knowledge & Sustainability, organized by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) took place in Helsinki University, Finland: an effort to work across knowledge systems and incorporate Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) in biodiversity assessment. Read more ▸