Categories Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, People, World

Aquilas Koko Ngomo

Former Policy and Advocacy Co-coordinator for Africa

Based in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Aquilas Koko Ngomo collaborates with the ICCA Consortium as International Policy – Africa Regional Focal Point and interpreter and translator (French <> English). He holds a Bachelor’s degree in English and African Culture. He works as a Communications Officer for the Alliance Nationale d’Appui et de Promotion des Aires et Territoires du Patrimoine Autochtone et Communautaire en RDC (ANAPAC-RDC), a non-governmental organization that defends the rights of Indigenous Pygmy Peoples in the DRC and a Member of the ICCA Consortium. He also works as a Consultant interpreter and translator (French-English-Swahili) with Indigenous Peoples Rights International (IPRI), an international Indigenous rights non-governmental organization based in the Philippines. In addition, Aquilas teaches as an assistant in the Department of English and African Culture at the Higher Pedagogical Institute of Bukavu (ISP-Bukavu) in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
