Categories Coordinators in Asia and Oceania, People, Regional Coordinators, The Philippines

Asami Segundo

Regional Coordinator for Southeast Asia, on behalf of NTFP-EP

Based in the Philippines, Asami Segundo is an Indigenous youth leader from the Ikalahan-Kalanguya ICCA—territory of life in the Northern Philippines. She is a licensed forester and a skilled Geographic Information Systems (GIS) specialist. She was crucial in supporting participatory community mapping of Indigenous territories and territories of life in her region. Her work includes conducting capacity building for Indigenous communities in forest management and community development.

As a forester, Asami has contributed to the modernization efforts of the Philippines’ Department of Environment and Natural Resources, particularly through the implementation of the Lawin Forest and Biodiversity Protection System under the USAID B+WISER Program. To strengthen her community, Asami founded the Ikalahan Youth Organization for Sustainable Development (IKAYO), which focuses on strengthening advocacy skills among Ikalahan youth and facilitating knowledge transfer from elders to younger generations.

Internationally, Asami is involved in the Indigenous Peoples’ rights movements, with a particular focus on climate issues. She is a founding member of the International Indigenous Youth Forum on Climate Change, working to ensure Indigenous youths’ perspectives are included in global discussions on climate policy, particularly in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
