Categories Collaborators, Ecuador, Latin America, People

Gaëlle Le Gauyer

Collaborator as interpreter and translator for English<>French and Spanish<>French

Born in Brittany (France), Gaëlle has been based in Quito, Ecuador, since 2014. Passionate about the political action of social movements, she has long sought to reconcile her political commitments with her professional ones. After working with several NGOs and human rights organizations in France, Peru, Argentina, Palestine and Ecuador, she got involved with the ICCA Consortium in 2019. Initially, as Administrative and Communications Assistant until 2020, she created a group of volunteers and linguistic collaborators, that now has more than fifty active members, to support the work of the Consortium. She then became the Linguistic Support Coordinator for French, and is now the Linguistic Support Coordinator, with an extended role. She also works as a freelance interpreter and translator with various conservation and human rights organizations.

In her previous professional experience, she has contributed to various projects in favor of women’s rights, migrants’ rights, children’s rights and small-scale farmers’ rights. She has also contributed to several publications on family farming, agroecology and gender issues. To complement her first master’s degree in Political Science obtained at Sciences Po Lille in France, she studied a second master’s degree in Gender Studies at FLACSO University, in Ecuador. She is also an activist for Mujeres de Frente, feminist and anti-racist organization engaged against punishment and jail systems.
